
Welcome to my blog :> No ripping, spamming or vulgarities allowed. If you don't like me, please click the red X at the top right of your screen. Remember to leave a tag. Enjoy your stay! Best viewed in Google Chrome. Make this as long as you can. c: Don't exceed the length tho :c
about me

Hey I'm a Potato and I love to potate. Born on the 32nd of Potatober. Enjoys potating, potating, and potating. My favourite band is the Potatoes. I'm in love with food, and in a relationship with Potate. Replace this with your own information (likes, dislikes, etc), and again, don't exceed the length (:

Replace with your own cbox code. Get one here: cbox.ws. (Estimated HxW: 250 by 250)
Sunday, July 7, 2013
10:02 PM | A Random Blog Title (II) | 0 comments

This is a totally random and example blog post.

I'm going to copy and paste stuff so that the scrollbars appear. Yay. I can't put lorem ipsum here otherwise google will classify this blog as a spam blog (which is what we all don't want :OOO)

And this is the s e c o n d post on this blog.

Example link.

This is a bold text. 
This is an italic text. 
This is an underlined text.
This is a striked text.

This is a blockquote.

I really like potatoes and I assume you do too because they are so great. Funny thing is that alot of people in my school like potatoes too. I don't know.

Oh magical scrollbars please appear.

I know you're gonna pop out soon. RIGHT?



Yes I'm purposely leaving alot of lines.

The things I do to make the page scroll. ^-^

Fun fact: I called this skin 'Secrets' because .. I have nothing better to do it. Woah right? Yeah. :X

9:57 PM | A Random Blog Title | 0 comments

This is a totally random and example blog post.

I'm going to copy and paste stuff so that the scrollbars appear. Yay. I can't put lorem ipsum here otherwise google will classify this blog as spam (which is what we all don't want :OOO)

This is a bold text. This is an italic text. This is an underlined text. This is a striked text. This is a bold text. This is an italic text. This is an underlined text. This is a striked text. This is a bold text. This is an italic text. This is an underlined text. This is a striked text. This is a bold text. This is an italic text. This is an underlined text. This is a striked text. This is a bold text. This is an italic text. This is an underlined text. This is a striked text.

This is a blockquote omg its a blockquote. This is a blockquote omg its a blockquote. This is a blockquote omg its a blockquote. This is a blockquote omg its a blockquote.

This is a totally random and example blog post.
This is a totally random and example blog post.
This is a totally random and example blog post.
This is a totally random and example blog post.
This is a totally random and example blog post.

This is a totally random and example blog post. This is a totally random and example blog post. This is a totally random and example blog post. This is a totally random and example blog post. This is a totally random and example blog post. This is a totally random and example blog post. This is a totally random and example blog post. This is a totally random and example blog post.

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